<<Make America dream come true again?>>

There are some free society countries like the UK & USA ---etc, the Election poll seems to do for a long period of time since  early days of twentieth century。

The USA  keeps spending money it does attempting to be the world policeman,and it seems not a great country till nowadays due to the rise of China。The world is changing with really remarkable speed, trying out how to adjust between these two  countries, how to make the wish come true? make America dream come true again?

I think that this is the responsibility of Associate President Trump, He should build a bridge instead of building walls for the peace of the overall world ! All people live with good and better neighbors in the future !

I hope that they shall come to a compromise, particularly,superpower countries such as USA,Mainland China and Soviet Russia----etcs. We expect that the people in the world could build  

more successful ,happier and can even improve more securitier in any where  and at any time .

Henry Tseng / 2016.11.15


脫口秀【Ghost Writer】周江杰


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