主辦單位: 多那多手足球, 中華民國手足球協會, 京華城Living Mall
贊助單位: 台北銅猴子餐廳 Brass Monkey Taipei
賽事資料表 - Tournament Info Package
想要了解更多的賽事資訊, 請下載我們的賽事資料表
For even more detailed information about this tournament, please download our info package
比賽報名表 - Tournament Registration
請往下看! Please see below!
日期及地點 - Date and Venue
日期 Date: 7/10 - 11, 2010地點 Location: 京華城 B3 / Living Mall B3地址 Address: 台北市八德路四段138號/ No.138, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan
免費接駁車 / Shuttle Bus
- 請到捷運忠孝復興站五號出口(土地銀行前搭乘)
- Take Taipei MRT Blue line to Zhongxiao Fuxing station.
- Go to Exit 5
- Take the Free Shuttle bus to Living Mall (in the front of Landbank).
- Taiwan Foosball Open is located in the CPC Living Mall floor B3 (underground).
免費接駁車時間 / Shuttle bus available time
- 10:35 to 22:30 (周日 - 周四 Sunday – Thursday)
- 10:35 to 23:00 (周五 - 周六 Friday - Saturday)
You may also take a taxi from MRT Taipei City Hall station to Living Mall for less than 100NTD.
比賽資訊 - Event Information
賽事 Events |
比賽時間 Start Time |
參賽等級限制 Highest Rank Eligible |
報名費(每人)* Cost per Player |
獎金/獎品 Prizes |
初級單打 Rookie Singles |
7/10 (Sat) 1:00pm |
初級 1100分以下 Rookie |
300 NTD |
1st: Medal + $1,000 |
國際挑戰賽 International Challenge |
7/10 (Sat) 2:30pm |
邀請賽 Invitation Only |
Free to join for each country’s national team. |
1st: Medal |
新手單打 Newbie Singles |
7/10 (Sat) 3:00pm |
新人 800分以下 Newbie |
200 NTD |
1st: Medal |
公開雙打 |
7/10 (Sat) 4:30pm (Finals played on Sunday) |
無限制 No Limit |
400 NTD (800/team) |
1st: Trophies + $8,000 |
初級雙打 Rookie Doubles |
7/11 (Sun) 12:30pm |
初級 1100分以下 Rookie |
300 NTD* (600/team) |
1st: Medals + $2,000 |
新手雙打 Newbie Doubles |
7/11 (Sun) 2:30pm |
新人 800分以下 Newbie |
200 NTD* (400/team) |
1st: Medals |
公開單打 |
7/11 (Sun) 4:00pm |
無限制 No Limit |
400 NTD |
1st: Trophy + $5,000 |
*賽前報名費優待請注意:上表列的報名費僅適用於2010年7月8日前完成轉帳繳款之報名,因為京華城櫃位之規定,現場報名費將會增加一項京華城收取之額外費用。國際選手請透過email事先報名,我們將保留賽前報名費之優待。NOTE: Registration costs listed are applicable for pre-paid registration before July 8, 2010. At-the-door registration/payment may require an additional surcharge as per Living Mall on-site sales regulations. For International players, please contact us via email.匯款帳號 (完成賽前報名及匯款後請Email到tornadosports.tw@gmail.com):合作金庫 新竹科學園區分行銀行代號:006(合作金庫)戶號:5643-765-521986戶名: 蘇汝重
** 參考報名多項賽事優待 / See registration packages for additional discounts*** 國際選手除公開單雙打可參賽外, 新手和初級賽事參賽權由大會判定The TFA may decide which international players can join Newbie or Rookie events. We recommend that you contact us earlier to confirm your eligibility.
Included Events其他
Newbie Package700 NTD
新人單打, 新人雙打
Newbie Singles, Newbie Doubles, Open Singles.
僅新人選手可使用(TFA 單打&雙打積分800分以下), 使用此套票參加公開雙打一樣享有優惠價每人250元.
Novice players only. Registration into Open Doubles is also discounted to 250NTD/player.
Rookie Package800 NTD
初級單打, 初級雙打, 公開單打
Rookie Singles, Rookie Doubles, Open Singles
僅初級選手可使用((TFA 單打&雙打積分 1100分以下), 使用此套票參加公開雙打一樣享有優惠價每人250元.
Rookie players only. Registration into Open Doubles is also discounted to 250NTD/player.
Open Package700 NTD
公開單打, 公開雙打
Open Singles, Open Doubles
Open to any players.
匯款帳號 (完成賽前報名及匯款後請Email到tornadosports.tw@gmail.com):合作金庫 新竹科學園區分行銀行代號:006(合作金庫)戶號:5643-765-521986
酒矸倘賣嘸 - 蘇芮
酒矸倘賣嘸 - 蘇芮
牽手 + 酒干倘賣無 - 蘇芮