

(一) 英文原文

「Shake it off and step up」

Once upon a time there was a farmer who had an old mule. The mule fell into a deep dry well and began to cry loudly. The farmer came over and figured the situation. The well was deep and the mule was heavy, it would be difficult to lift the animal out. The farmer decided to bury the animal.

Shovel full of dirt after shovel full of dirt began to fall on the mule’s back. Once the mule was conscious of the farmer's attempt, he became panic. Then all of a sudden an idea dawned on the mule. Each time the farmer would throw a shovel full of dirt on his back he could shake it off and step up. Finally the mule stepped over the top of the well and walked out the well.

A great attitude. A great way to approach life. Shake it off and step up. What you thought that would killed you might be the greatest blessing to you.

(二) . 中文翻譯


從前,有一個農夫,他有一頭老騾子。 騾子掉進一口深乾井裡,開始大聲哭泣。 農夫走過來,了解了狀況。井很深,騾子又重,很難把它抬出來。農夫決定埋葬這隻動物。

一鏟子又一鏟子的泥土開始落在騾子的背上。 當騾子意識到農夫的企圖後,他變得驚慌失措。 騾子突然靈機一動。 每當農夫把裝滿泥土的鏟子扔到背上時,他就能把鏟子泥甩掉,然後站起來。 最後騾子跨過井頂,走出了井。



(1).Shake it off and step up/// 置之死地而後生!有違農夫對付騾子的初衷; 騾子急中生智以"臨危不亂"竟意外免予一死 ,偉哉處世應變態度!值得人類學習喔。

(2)人類和動物都有求生本能,"迷和悟"似非與生俱來之本能(自然反應),而是 後天 修練而培養出來的功力。德性或道性似乎是先天和後天都有因素形成之,但是"性本善",惡是後天環境所影響的。

When in trouble, don't panic。
Calm down, and find a way to change the situation。
Another door will be open for better opportunities。

3.James 評語
Life is full of adversity and setbacks。 That is the reality of life, Once we can come to realize this truth, we can transform hardship into the impetus for growth and self-actualization。

Stress and pain is necessary for growth。 Just as the mule was saved by the dirt shoveled upon him ,the ups and downs of life elevates and accelerates throughout the course of life。 

英文原稿來自網路, 經翻譯一併PO在臉書上,

獲得粉絲熱烈按贊, 亦獲熱心者的評語. 特將其整合呈現.


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